Security For Your Garage

Security For Your Garage

With many homeowners using their garage spaces to store valuable items, from vehicles to tools, having a door locking system that works effectively is vital. Theft is a continual problem, with folks losing high-cost items simply because they haven’t invested in the right security for their garages. Not only is theft of items inside the garage a huge concern, but if burglars can access the rest of the home from the garage, then entire properties are at risk.

Here are a few tips for keeping your valuables safe and preventing your garage and potentially your home, from attracting burglars:

  • Shut it!

It may sound obvious, but keeping your garage doors closed while you’re not home will go a long way towards preventing an intruder.

  • Add technology:

There are many remote systems on the market nowadays that enable you to monitor your garage door through an app (often free) while you’re away from home. Some systems are compatible with all garage doors made after 1993, but it’s best to check with your local garage door supplier before making a purchase.

  • Timing is everything:

Garage door timers can prove very useful if you’re prone to forgetting to close your garage doors when you leave home, or even after you’ve arrived back at home. Again, talk your options over with your local garage door supplier.

  • Don’t give thieves a window into what they can steal:

Windows are a fabulous feature of many garages, but if they make it easy for potential thieves to simply look in and see what you might have of value that they can steal, then they become a security risk rather than an attractive feature. Think about blocking or frosting your garage windows, or simply fitting blinds that can be left closed overnight or when you’re not at home.

  • Secure all doors:

While it’s imperative that your garage doors are fitted with a good locking system, you mustn’t forget any other entry points that may give intruders access to your home through your garage, too. Side doors and internal doors should all be solidly constructed, locked securely and checked regularly. If you’re concerned that your entry points may be vulnerable, try having your property inspected by a garage door professional, who can give you all the latest security advice and guidance.

  • Peepholes:

If you happen to be at home and suspect that there may be an unwanted person in your garage, you can use the peephole to check without putting yourself at risk and without alerting the intruder.

  • Bright and light:

Motion activated lights are a fantastic way of helping to deter potential burglars from targeting your property.

  • Have you got enough locks?

One simple but effective way of adding extra security to your garage is to have a lock installed on the inside of the door. Talk to your local garage door supplier to find out which might be the best lock for your garage doors.

Never forget that your home is only ever as secure as you make it. Many thieves and intruders will roam areas searching for the most vulnerable properties and garages, and if yours doesn’t have enough security, then you may well find yourself a target for theft.

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