Is Your Garage Door Protected Against The Elements?
Steel door at a storage warehouse

Is Your Garage Door Protected Against The Elements?

It can be easy to overlook the importance of a strong seal on your garage door, but with the various weather elements that more Americans are finding their homes exposed to every year as a result of global warming, this is one thing that shouldn’t be ignored.

An intact and quality weather seal is essential for the longevity of your garage door and what lies behind it, and here’s why:

What is the purpose of a weather seal?

In its simplest terms, a weather seal protects your garage from the elements, whether it be rain, snow or wind. Garage doors are strong and will help to keep most weather-related issues at bay, but a good, strong seal is essential for when conditions are such that they begin to creep in under your door. No garage door can be 100% perfectly aligned, and not all gaps can be eliminated entirely. With even the smallest of gaps able to dramatically effect what comes into your garage door, and what does not, the potential for damage to be caused by rain or snow entering your garage doesn’t bear thinking about. In fact, it can even be dangerous if the rain or snow freezes to create an icy, slippery layer directly inside your garage.

A weather seal also enables you to be far more energy efficient, saving you money on your electricity bills and helping to protect the environment.

So, does your garage door really need a weather seal?

Yes, absolutely! Every garage door benefits from a proper weather seal, and since extreme weather conditions are on the rise the world over, it’s far better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to something as simple and cost effective as a quality weather seal. Garage doors of course, come with a weather seal, but they are often one of the first things to deteriorate or be damaged, and there’s a strong chance that older garage doors will need to have their weather seals replaced, and here are a few common indicators:

  • Puddles of water have accumulated under, around or close to your garage door
  • You can feel a strong draft coming under the door
  • The metal around the edges of the garage door is gradually rusting up

If you notice any of these indicators when inspecting your garage door, then you should talk to your local garage door supplier about getting the weather seal replaced before any more damage can be done. Prevention is always better than cure, so try to resist the temptation to leave any problems with your garage door until it’s too late.

Remember that the cost of ignoring problems with your garage door can be huge, making it far better to spend out on an assessment and any ensuing repairs, before irreparable damage occurs and you’re forced to replace your entire garage door.

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