How Regular Maintenance Can Increase the Lifespan of a Garage Door

Garage doors are often used on a regular basis, yet only when they go wrong or begin not to perform as well as they should, do we tend to take any notice of them. However, with regular maintenance (some of which you can do yourself, some of which will require help from a garage door technician), you could help your garage door live far longer and perform far better. In fact, with regular, professional maintenance, a garage door can last for as long as 20 years, if not longer depending on the frequency of use.

Just as with other pieces of machinery, garage doors should be checked at least on an annual basis, and repaired if necessary, not just to keep them looking good and performing well, but to make sure that they’re safe, too. Heavy and capable of causing significant injury should they malfunction; garage doors are best maintained to prevent them from harming anyone or anything.

Below are a few more reasons to convince you to have your garage door serviced, and then maintained with at least an annual professional inspection:

Improved security

With home burglary’s occurring around every 13 seconds, this frightening statistic alone should be enough to convince you to ensure that your garage door is well maintained at all times.

If the locks on your garage door are faulty, or it doesn’t open and close properly, your garage and your home (if your garage is attached to your home, as many are) could be left vulnerable to an attack from intruders.

Decreased risk of injury

As mentioned briefly in the introduction, damaged or faulty garage doors are capable of causing significant harm, and every year, hundreds of injuries caused by garage doors are reported, with some even causing life changing injuries. Some of those injuries are also reported by individuals who have tried to repair the damage themselves, all of which could have been avoided by seeking professional help to fix the problem.

Not only can a broken garage door cause you or someone else harm though, but they can lead to further damage within the door’s components, leading to an even more expensive repair job or full door replacement.

Costing you less

While no garage door service comes for free, the money that you invest in an annual inspection could end up saving you hundreds of dollars in repairs had a problem not been detected early on, and you may even be able to prevent the need for a door replacement.

Looking better, for longer

Garage doors have a functional purpose, of course, but they also make up a significant portion of the exterior of a home, and as such, should be looking they’re best at all times. Regular maintenance can help keep your garage door looking smart and attractive for longer, and if you’re selling your home – or plan to in the near future – it can boost the curb appeal of your home and give you a much better chance of selling it.

All in all, regular maintenance with an annual inspection can help your garage door not only live longer, but protect you and your family for longer, too, and to give your garage door the once over, call up a local garage door specialist, today.

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