Garage Door Safety Tips

Garage Door Safety Tips

Safety should never be compromised when it comes to garage doors, especially when you consider that they’re often the biggest and heaviest movable object in many U.S. homes. If damaged, faulty or misused, a garage door can cause serious injury to people and pets, and in some tragic cases can even result in death.

Knowing how to safely operate your garage door and maintain safety standards is paramount, and with these garage safety tips, you, your family and your pets should be perfectly safe. Try to review these tips regularly, especially with younger or more vulnerable members of your household:

Never treat your garage door as if it’s a plaything

While something that moves up and down at the touch of a button may seem like fun to a child, it’s important to make them understand that they are not toys and can be extremely dangerous if misused. Please instruct any kids in your household that they should never run or play under or near any garage door, not just your own, and that this is especially important if the door is moving.

Remote controls are not toys, either

The door itself is dangerous but allowing kids to play around with the remote control that enables the door to be opened and closed, is equally as perilous. Remote controls should be unreachable to children, and wall mounted controls should be well outside of their reach, too.

Steer clear of garage doors when moving

Even if you think you have plenty of time to make it under the door before it closes, or can squeeze through before it’s fully opened, you should never do so, since if you get caught or the door is faulty and comes down on your head, a trip to the nearest hospital will be your only concern.

Regularly check your garage doors functionality

While there may be some simple maintenance checks that you can perform on your garage doors, you should always arrange for a yearly or 6 monthly assessment by a professional. Doing so will help you to avoid any accidents in the future and prevent you from having to replace your garage doors far sooner than necessary. As soon as you spot a potential issue with your garage door or the door opener, seek professional help before the issue gets bigger and potentially more hazardous.

Seek help after even minor accidents

You may be of the understanding that a simple tap against the door while reversing – something that happens way more often than you might think – is nothing to worry about and requires no further action, but you’d be wrong. You should always get your garage door inspected after any collision, no matter how minor, as it may have resulted in irreparable damage that is invisible to the untrained eye.

Follow these simple but essential garage safety tips to keep you, your family and your beloved pets safe. For any safety or general maintenance queries, always seek help from professionals who are experienced and fully trained to deal with all garage door safety concerns.

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